Upcoming Meetings

Time Meeting Location Region
7:00 am 4D Online
4D Meeting Hall
In-person and Online
7:00 am Fourth Dimension
4D Meeting Hall
11:00 am Fourth Dimension
4D Meeting Hall

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Aug 08 2021


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Lynn B. from the Sheffield group will be with Red Bay Freedom this week to share her ESH

Lynn B. from the Sheffield group will be at Red Bay Freedom Sunday, August 8 2021, to share her Experience, Strength, and Hope. Red Bay Freedom meets at 7 pm in the CB & S Bank Basement at 407 4th St W, Red Bay, AL 35582, USA.  Meetings are  In-Person & Zoom, ID: 101061663, PW: 247476. 6:30 pm Fellowship – 7:00 pm Speaker

The event is finished.